Sunshine that feels like home, playing in pools and oceans, so fresh in my mind I can still smell the salt water and sunscreen. How do I capture and remember all that we've done as a family this summer? I'm a busy mom in Dallas, TX. The kids are growing up... it's more true now than ever, the days are long, but the years are short... I don't want to forget the carefree days of summer.

I found Liene photo printer on Instagram, and it was my intention to print and share our adventures with friends and family. While that part is self-explanatory, what surprised me is the printer is so easy to use that my kids figured out how to use it and began printing works of art straight off their phones to display on their walls and in their journals. My middle daughter, adjusted several pictures to be miniature, and clipped them into one journal entry from our summer vacation. She numbered the photographs and went into detail about her memories of them on the corresponding page. So cool! Another daughter, who is an artist, printed her favorite pictures from online to place in between her art work on her walls. I took a few pictures of their creations to show the color and durability of the prints, as well as their creativity!
With four kids, I'm a huge fan of a clutter free house. The sleek, stylish design of this very compact printer looks classy on our kitchen counter, but I can easily transport it anywhere in the house. We prefer the kitchen because that's where our friends and family gather. It's a great ice breaker... everyone wants to try it and before you know it, our guests are so excited to have a party favor (several prints) to take home from their recent adventures! It’s a win/win!

In addition to quick prints to share and display, my kids are off their socials and having fun creating art in a new, fun, creative way in our competitive digital world. My kids are learning and growing their skills sets, and they’re having fun in the process. As I tell them as a mom hack, 90% of anything is just getting started. They are working, learning, creating in a fun, stress free environment, which is a dream come true when the summer drags on and the kids start to get bored. We’ve had more fun that I could’ve imagined printing on the go, for any and everything! Time is money and it saves so much time and has allowed our creativity to reach new heights!
The Liene printer also makes an intentional, thoughtful gift. My sister-in-law was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, and I’m planning to send one for her kids to play and have fun with during the coming months of chemo and having a mom that’s not as available. This gift will last longer than flowers and mean more to her children, as they are up against a long battle as a family. A picture is truly worth a thousand words, so hopefully this will brighten their days and lift their spirits when words fail us all sometimes on this journey called life. We never know what will be thrown our way, and what destiny as in mind, but we are here to make the road we are traveling easier and the burden to be lighter. I’m going to cry, because this is really just a review, but it’s sharing joy, hope and community. I hope you will take my heartfelt review as a token of good faith that you will not be disappointed with this purchase. In fact, it meant more to us this year than I could’ve imagined. I’ve wanted a home photo printer for a long time, but the timing was perfect to help my family and those we love.

Our Liene printer has gone above and beyond the call of duty! I hope you enjoy this printer as you become a part of the wonderful world of creating with Liene.
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Jennifer Cassidy
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